Category: Child Law

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What happens in a Divorce?

What happens in a Divorce?

A divorce typically has 3 key parts. #1 – The end of the marriage A marriage is almost like a contract between two people. The very definition of a divorce is the ending of that marriage contract. Since April 2022, many people complete this part of the overall divorce process themselves. They are able to...

Choosing a Family Law Solicitor

Choosing a Family Law Solicitor

Here at littlebitsoflaw, we separate Family Law – which can be a vast area of law – into two smaller parts. Namely, Divorce Law and Child Law. For the purposes of this article though, let’s use the more traditionally used ‘Family Law’. Sometimes, choosing a Family Law Solicitor can be difficult. We urge anyone who...

Do I need a Solicitor to get divorced in the UK?

Do I need a Solicitor to get divorced in the UK?

The quick answer is simply: “no, you do not need a Solicitor to get divorced in the UK”. For a bit more detail, read on.. There is no legal requirement to be represented by a Solicitor during the process of a Divorce. This is especially true since April 2022. Before April 2022, someone wanting a...

6 Fundamental Rights all Children in England and Wales have

6 Fundamental Rights all Children in England and Wales have

Firstly, it is important to establish what a Child in England and Wales is. According to the Children Act 1989, any person under the age of 18 is a Child.  All Children have the rights, regardless of their ethnicity, religion or culture. These rights include, but are not limited to: The Right to Education This...

Finding solutions for child care disagreements

Finding solutions for child care disagreements

“My ex-partner and I cannot reach agreement about child arrangements. What can I do? Solicitor involvement at an early stage can often help. A letter from a solicitor can often get things moving towards a resolution. We recommend also that the letter actually includes some proposals relating to child arrangement and an offer to attend...

Child Arrangement Order: The Last Resort

Child Arrangement Order: The Last Resort

“What happens if child care arrangements cannot be reached, even after informal conversations and mediation?” The last resort is to apply to the Court and ask the Court to make an Order which decides and organises child arrangements. Child Arrangement Orders can confirm: • Where a Child will live • Whether there is shared care...

An intro to Child Maintenance

An intro to Child Maintenance

A key aspect of Child Law is often Child Maintenance: the financial amount the parent the child / children doesn’t live with will contribute to their upbringing. The best place to start for identifying how much Child Maintenance you’ll either receive or pay (depending on the arrangement circumstances) can be found online: This government...

What are Child Care Arrangements?

What are Child Care Arrangements?

Typically, Child Care Arrangements mainly focus on 3 things (although they can include much more): Who will the Child / Children live with? Who will be able to see the Child / Children (in other words visitation)? How often and where will visitation happen? This article was written by Jeff Garland, a specialist solicitor in...

The Welfare Principle

The Welfare Principle

Where divorcing or separating parents can’t agree child care arrangements such as: Who their child or children should live with Who they should visit How often they should visit Where the visits should take place Then a Judge at Court may have to make the final decision(s). When a Court has to make a decision...