Mirror Wills

Mirror Wills

Mirror Wills offer a simple and effective solution for couples who want to mirror each other’s intentions regarding inheritance. Let’s consider an example:

Chris and Leanne wish to ensure that if one of them passes away, the other will inherit everything. In addition, they want to plan for the unlikely event that they both pass away before their children turn 18. This is where Mirror Wills come in handy:

  • If Chris dies first, everything Chris has goes to Leanne
  • If Leanne dies first, everything Leanne has goes to Chris
  • If both die before their children turn 18, Leanne’s sister Jas will care for the children as the Guardian
  • If both die before their children turn 21, Chris’ brother, Fred, will manage the children’s inheritance as the Trustee

Mirror Wills provide a practical approach to planning for the transfer of your belongings, ensuring your wishes are upheld. Given Chris and Leanne’s specific circumstances and desire for equal treatment and secure arrangements for their children, Mirror Wills are an ideal solution.

While Mirror Wills provide a straightforward way to plan your estate, it’s crucial to consider the legal implications. Let us chat with you about your circumstances to ensure you receive specific legal advice tailored to your needs.

You can read more about our Will Writing Services and Prices by clicking here.

Article written by Chris McCrudden, Solicitor, specialising in Wills Law at our Preston, Lancashire office. 

If you’re ready to get started with your Will, reach out to us at 01772 37 44 75 or use the calendar below to book an appointment with Chris McCrudden, our expert Will Writing Solicitor.