Finances, Property and the ‘Clean Break’

If you have shared assets with your husband, wife or civil partner then during the submission of your divorce online, you’ll be asked by the portal whether you ‘wish to obtain a Financial Order’.

Many people need a Financial Order. These Orders can state many things such as how assets should be divided, whether properties should be sold, whether maintenance should be paid and whether there is a ‘Clean Break’.

A ‘Clean Break’ means that neither person can make claims against the other in the future, giving them peace of mind that any financial responsibilities to each other (apart from child maintenance) are over.

Clean Breaks are not suitable for everyone for a number of reasons, reasons which we discuss in another article.

This article was written by Jeff Garland, a specialist solicitor in Divorce and Child Law. If you have any questions or need more help, please don’t hesitate to give Jeff a call or drop him an e-mail using the details below. / 01772 374 475

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